‘Ireland is not a nation of drunks you know!’ claims drunk Irishman on 15th pint
A drunk Irishman has angrily told an American TV reporter that Ireland is not a nation of drunks and that they haven’t a clue about our country. Brian Dempsey from Finglas was drinking in Dublin’s Temple Bar for St. Patrick’s day and met an American TV crew who were filming the festivities around the city.
“You yanks think you know all about Ireland, well you know fuck all!” he told the reporter. “You think all we do is we drink and fight don’t ya? I could box the fucking heads off any of you if I wanted to so don’t test me. Where did I put me pint? Did you take it?”
Dempsey then went on a 10-minute rant about Americans claiming to be Irish and how much of a bollocks Joe Biden is.
“You think you’re Irish don’t ya?” he told reporter David Mikhailov who definitely doesn’t think he’s Irish. “Well you’re fucking not, right? With your top of the morning and begorrah bullshit. Coming over here with your cameras filming Irish people drinking and getting drunk. Well guess what? We’re not all like that and you’re full of shit! But seriously, was I holding a pint when I started talking to you? Who took me fucking pint?”
Dempsey then accused a nearby table of lads of stealing his pint and got into a massive punch-up. He later fell asleep in the toilet and pissed himself.