Kremlin photo raises suspicions Putin might be using lookalikes
A photo circulating online has raised suspicions that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin might be using lookalikes.
Putin recently made a surprise visit to the devastated city of Mariupol to see for himself where his troops bombed the living shit out of everything and everyone. Or did he? Was it really him or was it a lookalike?
Well believe it or not, the photo that accompanies this article is fake. Obviously! It’s a joke. We decided to share it all over the Internet to prove that social media is infested with thousands of fucking idiots who would believe anything. Imagine being so thick and mad in the head that you actually think that’s a real photograph.
Joe from Dublin for example was in no doubt when he saw it on Twitter.
“I told yous russian scientists made clones of putin in a lab and yous all laughed at me well whose laughing now this photo prooves i was write all along hahahahaha”
Another brain dead knob called Brian69 posted “Of couse it’s real. Putin never leaves the kremlin. It’s always a lookalike. His wife is also a lookalike and his children. And his friends. And all his army generals. None of them are the real people. Ever.”
Those gobshites of course won’t read any of this article explaining that the photo is fake. They don’t click into the articles because they can barely read. They just see a headline and believe it, the uneducated, conspiracy theory-believing, cringe-inducing embarrassments to their families.
Next week, was the 1969 moon landing fake? No, of course it wasn’t fake you absolute fucking morons.