Disagreeing with government’s immigration policy to be declared a hate crime

The government confirmed during a press conference this afternoon that anyone who disagrees with their immigration policy from now on will be committing a hate crime and may face prosecution.

Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman said the new law comes into effect immediately.

Last year, almost a fifth of asylum seekers in Ireland were young single men from Georgia, a nation consistently ranked in the top ten list of the world’s safest countries.

Many people have questioned why on earth we’re accomodating thousands of men in hotels all over Ireland who are not fleeing war or persecution of any kind while we are running out of room for genuine asylum seekers. However, Mr O’Gorman said questioning this policy is now officially a hate crime.

“We’ve seen a huge increase in far-right activity in this country recently. Questioning things, disagreeing with stuff. Appalling behaviour. Well it ends now. Let’s see how brave you are when you’re up in court, you big racists.”

The Minister aded that the government intends to create a new list of hate crimes which will be published in the new year. Included on the list will be liking a Conor McGregor tweet, having only Irish friends and not displaying a Palestinian flag on your social media account.

We’ll have more on this breaking news as we get it.