Local Man Taking A Break From Sober October To Get Hammered Coz It’s Friday
A local pint enthusiast who is participating in sober October this year for the first time has said he’s going to take a break from it tonight ‘coz it’s Friday. Eamonn O’Toole told us he did the same thing last weekend but is adamant that doesn’t affect his pledge to stay off the drink for the month of October because weekends don’t count.
“Ah you have to have pints at the weekend. Any lad that doesn’t is gay in my book. I’ll just have a few tonight and obviously go hard at it tomorrow on account of it being Saturday. And of course I’ll have a few cures on Sunday – who doesn’t in fairness? – but then Monday it’s back to sober October.”
Eamonn said he didn’t think he’d go a whole month without a drink but he’s surprised himself with how well he’s done so far.
“Jaysus I love pints so I’m really surprised I’ve lasted this long. I feel great and I’m fairly confident now I’ll do the whole month. Who knows? I might even give it up altogether after this. Apart from weekends obviously which, as everyone knows, don’t count. Can the man who doesn’t visit a pub at the weekend call himself a man? No. He can’t.
“I’m looking forward to getting my licence back soon too so I’ll have a way home from the pub. It’s too hard to get a taxi these days so I don’t bother.”
Photo by master1305 – www.freepik.com