8 Out Of 10 Intellectually Challenged Simpletons Say Moon Landing Was Fake

A survey has revealed that 8 out of 10 intellectually challenged simpletons believe the 1969 moon landing was fake. The same survey found that 10 out of 10 normal intelligent people say it clearly did happen, however, thick ignorant dimwits are having none of it.

“It never happened!” claimed 21 year-old Britney Winterbottom from Nottingham. “It was filmed in a studio in America. Look at the footage. There’s no shadows. Or there is shadows and there shouldn’t be, I can’t remember which but trust me, I read the internet and we did not land on the moon.”

We asked Britney if she believes all subsequent moon landings were also fake or just the first one. She stared blankly for several minutes and then said “What?”

Brian Collins runs a conspiracy theorist website that claims pretty much nothing from our history books ever happened because it’s all fake.

“Stop watching mainstream media.” he told us. “It’s fake news. There was no moon landing because there’s no moon. The illuminati faked it and shot Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. Also Bush did 9/11, the holocaust never happened and they’ve had a cure for cancer for years. You’re being lied to by all journalists, reporters, newsreaders, historians, scientists and teachers who ever lived. They’re all in on it together. The only news you can trust is from websites run by anonymous internet trolls. Everything else is Fake News!”

The survey also found that most moon landing ‘deniers’ also believe the Earth is flat and the sun is a big scary sky monster.