Riots erupt across France after 2 cents added to the price of a carton of milk
Riots have erupted across France after hated President Emmanuel Macron announced the price of a carton of milk will rise by 2 cents.
Protesters immediately took to the streets and began throwing petrol bombs at Police and into shops and restaurants.
It follows last week’s disturbances when demonstrators vented their anger at Macron’s plans to raise the retirement age to 64 by throwing petrol bombs at Police and into shops and restaurants.
Casual observers might be forgiven for thinking the French just love rioting and burning stuff but that of course is just lazy stereotyping.
We asked protest organiser Philippe Ledoux what the motive and reasoning is behind the demonstrations. He told us “We just love rioting and burning stuff.”
Fair enough. A tense weekend now lies ahead in France as authorities there are expecting people to protest against Easter. Nobody knows why exactly, including the demonstrators, but the protests will almost certainly involve throwing petrol bombs at Police and into shops and restaurants.
Vive la France! You mad bastards.