Mexico Finishes Trump’s Wall
Mexico has finished building Donald Trump’s wall along their border with the USA. The surprise move came after the Mexican government decided that the United States is actually a mental kip and it would be in their own interests to seal up the border for good.
The call was sent out for Mexican bricklayers and labourers to assemble at various points along the border where the partially constructed partition stood. In the end over ten thousand volunteers finished the wall in record time.
Mexican President AndrĂ©s Obrador said the decision wasn’t taken lightly but as the situation in the USA continues to deteriorate he knew they had to act fast.
“We feel safer now. Like everyone else we have been watching in horror the news from the USA with the rioting and looting and all the buildings on fire. We feel sorry for them of course and we will send aid like we do to all disadvantaged countries but we can’t risk allowing Mexico to be invaded by criminals, drug dealers and rapists.”
Meanwhile thousands of Canadian bricklayers and labourers have been seen this morning gathering along their border with the USA.