Football not coming home again
Football is once again not coming home after the England women’s team showed that they are just as over-hyped as the England men’s team when they lost the World Cup final in Sydney today.
Anyone unfortunate enough to switch on any UK news channel over the last few days was confronted with a non-stop barrage of young ones squealing “It’s coming home! It’s coming home!” while pundits and commentators all seemed to be in agreement that Spain needn’t bother turning up because the result was a foregone conclusion.
You would think they’d have learned their lesson by now after decades of watching their men constantly bottle it on big occasions but no, they’ve clearly learned nothing.
The world can now breathe a collective sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge that we won’t have to hear that God awful song for another couple of years when England will once again hype themselves up into a frenzy and then fail miserably. Vamos EspaƱa!