Disappointment For ‘Black Lives Matter’ As George Floyd Cop Found Guilty
‘Black Lives Matter’ have been left disappointed after former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The protest group had intended on rioting and looting if a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict came back from the jury but things did not go as planned and the rioting may have to be called off.
“This is bullshit!” said an angry Bradley Winston from Wisconsin when we asked him for his reaction to the verdict. Mr. Winston is founder of the Middleton chapter of Black Lives Matter and he told us he fully expected and hoped for Chauvin to be found not guilty. “The man should have walked because he’s white. We wanted to take to the streets to protest in a peaceful manner which may or may not turn into a riot and possibly involve some looting. Especially in the vicinity of Foot Locker on Flatbush Avenue ‘coz they got some real nice sneakers in last week.”
We put it to Mr. Winston that rioting and looting destroys what started out as a just cause for equal rights in the United States and that it goes against the wishes of George Floyd’s family.
“Shut the fuck up!” he replied. “No justice, no peace. If we wanna riot nobody’s gonna stop us. This country is racist to the core and we will not rest until a black person makes it all the way to the White House.”
So what do Black Lives Matter plan on doing now that Chauvin was actually found guilty?
“Fuck it. We’ll riot anyway.” said Winston.