Breaking ….. Weather Still Shite
Despite Met Eireann and every second person on Facebook telling us we were in for a gloriously sunny week, the weather is in fact still shite. And it’s now Thursday!
Thousands of sausages and burgers flew off the supermarket shelves last Sunday in preparation as we were told the summer weather was finally here and it was going to be “hotter than Spain all over the country” for the next couple of weeks.
Unfortunately either they were talking about another country or our weather forecasters are clueless dopes who have no idea what the hell they’re doing.
Our advice to our readers is the next time you see reports all over Facebook that sunny weather is on the way, make sure to wrap up warm and keep an umbrella handy.
Unless of course Met Eireann tells you to expect wind and rain. In that case crank up the barbecue and get the cider in ‘coz chances are it’s going to be an absolute scorcher.