British Government Ask Solskjaer To Take Over Team Brexit
British Government officials have confirmed that they have made an approach to Manchester United interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer with regards to him taking over Team Brexit. Spokesman Nigel Winterbottom said the Norwegian can choose whatever salary he wants and there’s a plane waiting to take him to Brussels right now if he fancies the job.
“He’s clearly some kind of God-like genius and from what we’re seeing we firmly believe he could even turn this shit-show into a success.
“We’re coming into injury time in the Brexit negotiations against determined European opposition and we’re in very deep shit. I’m told Mr. Solskjaer has form in this situation.”
Meanwhile the previous Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has conceded that he made mistakes while at the club, in particular the one where he told his players not to be venturing into the other team’s half of the pitch.
UEFA stripped Mourinho of his title of ‘The Special One’ last month after a request from Manchester United to do so, however they refused the club’s request to officially rename him ‘The Shite One’.