People Who Go For Sunday Pints To Be Given Mondays Off Work
People who spend Sundays in the pub in Ireland will be given Mondays off work.
The new legislation will be brought in by the government next week and Minister for Enterprise and Employment Barry Quinn said he believes it’s long overdue.
“It’s unfair to expect those who spend their Sunday in a pub getting hammered to go to work the next day. These people are providing a vital service to our economy by keeping our pubs in business and this is the government’s way of saying thank you. And of course nobody wants to go to work when they wake up as sick as a small hospital.”
The Minister said he hopes the new legislation will encourage more people to go Sunday drinking.
“You can now get up on a Sunday morning, get the fry into the belly and go on the lash for the day without worrying about work on Monday. All you need to do is get a written note from your publican which you can then give to your employer on the Tuesday when you eventually go back to work.”
The Minister was asked if the new legislation also applies to people who spend Sundays in the pub but don’t drink alcohol.
“God no. Why would those gobshites need Mondays off work? Non-drinking weirdos.”