“It Snowed Yesterday” Met Éireann Confirms
Met Éireann has confirmed that it snowed in Ireland yesterday and said a status yellow warning was also in effect for much of the country.
In a change from the usual tradition of weather forecasting, Met Éireann say they will be weather backcasting from now on, telling us what the weather was like the previous day rather than what it will be like the following day.
“It’s much easier to get it right.” said spokesman Brian Dunne. “We’ve been getting our forecasts wrong a lot lately. Yesterday’s snow – which we did not predict – was the final straw so from now on when the weather comes on after the news we’ll be telling you what it was like yesterday. Tuesday’s weather will be on Wednesday. And so on.”
As well as Met Éireann, Facebook also confirmed that it snowed in Ireland yesterday as literally everyone in the country posted the words “It’s snowing!” along with a photo of said snow just in case their friends weren’t sure what snow looked like.
Keep an eye out for “It’s dark!” posts later this evening after the sun goes down.