Refugee Council calls on Irish people to emigrate to make more room for Albanian Men
The chief executive of the Irish Refugee Council, who isn’t Irish, has called on Irish people to consider emigrating to make more room here for men from Albania.
Londoner Nick Henderson told reporters at a press conference in Dublin this morning that he believes there’s only one solution to the chronic overcrowding in Ireland’s direct provision centres.
“There may be no more hotel rooms left in Ireland but there are still plenty of rooms. Everywhere I go I see houses, thousands and thousands of houses with millions of Irish people selfishly living in them.
“However, that doesn’t mean we can’t start filling their rooms with Albanian men and Algerian men and all the other men coming here. The only way to do that is for the people currently occupying them to leave. Remember, not to leave would be racist and nobody wants to be called that so please, vacate your homes and move somewhere else. I hear Albania’s quite nice.”
The Citywest Hotel in Dublin was taken over by the government last year to accommodate up to 370 Ukrainian women and children fleeing the war. It currently holds over 800 men who have recently taken to kicking the shite out of each other. None of them are from Ukraine.
“You should all be flattered these men want to come here.” Mr Henderson continued. “They’re from perfectly safe countries and yet they all choose to come to Ireland and pretend to be refugees. That’s what I call a ringing endorsement of what a wonderful country Ireland is to live in. Now off to Australia with the lot of you.”