Idris Elba Cast As Mary Poppins In Remake Of The Classic Musical
British actor Idris Elba has been cast in the role of Mary Poppins in a big budget Hollywood remake of the classic 1964 musical. Julie Andrews played the role in the original film and the casting of Elba has raised eyebrows and lead to some criticism but producer Chuck Johnson said people need to get with the times.
“Anyone who thinks a white female should play Mary Poppins is living in the past and quite frankly racist. Nowhere in the original novels does it say that Mary Poppins is not a big black man.”
Mary Poppins is a series of eight children’s books written by Australian writer PL Travers and published over the period 1934 to 1988. The books centre on the magical English nanny Mary Poppins, who is blown by the East wind to No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane, London. Chuck Johnson is correct however. We’ve checked and the author doesn’t specifically state anywhere in the books that Mary isn’t a man. Or black.
The casting of Elba in the role of Mary Poppins follows on from huge speculation about who will be the next James Bond as Daniel Craig steps down from playing the British secret agent.
Most Bond fans believe the man created by novelist Ian Fleming should be a man. However this view is now considered by many morons to be offensive, sexist, racist, genderphobic, homophobic, gynophobic, islamophobic and kind of brexity. Bond producer Kathy Smith wasn’t giving anything away when she said recently “We haven’t found Daniel Craig’s replacement yet but the next James Bond is out there somewhere and we intend to find her.”
‘The Spy Who Offended Me’ is scheduled to start filming next year.