Liam Neeson To Play Ibrahim Halawa in Upcoming Movie ‘Escape From Egypt’
Irish actor Liam Neeson is poised to play Ibrahim Halawa in an upcoming biopic which is due to start filming early next year. The Ballymena hunk beat a number of high profile actors to the part including Daniel Day Lewis, Cillian Murphy and Edward from Jedward.
Born and raised in Dublin, Ibrahim Halawa hit the headlines in 2013 when he was arrested in Egypt after accidentally picking up a megaphone and accidentally giving a speech to 20,000 Islamist Muslim Brotherhood Supporters at a political rally in Cairo. Having spent four years in prison awaiting trial he was finally released in October last year and received a huge traditional Irish welcome from his supporters and friends when he arrived at Dublin airport to chants of “Allahu Akbar!”
Two weeks later Halawa was a guest on The Late Late Show on RTE1 and big time Hollywood producer Chuck Johnson just happened to be in Ireland at the time watching from his hotel room in Mountmellick. He immediately decided he was going to make the story into a movie. We spoke to Chuck – who tends to swear quite a lot – and asked him what audiences can expect. He told us we’re in for a real treat.
“The escape scene is gonna make Die Hard look like Mary fucking Poppins.” he told us excitedly. “He’s gonna bust outta prison by blowing the gates off the wall and – with a big cigar in his mouth – machine gun the shit out of hundreds of guards as he makes his escape. Fucking bodies everywhere! You guys are gonna love this shit.”
We told Chuck that that’s really not what happened at all but he didn’t want to hear it and told us he knows movies and he knows what audiences want.
“Hey this is Hollywood baby. Anything goes. The final scene is gonna see him jump from a speeding car onto the wing of a Ryanair plane flown by President Michael D. Higgins as hundreds of Egyptian Police chase him down the runway and riddle the plane with bullets. I don’t wanna spoil it for you guys so I’m not gonna say any more but trust me, this movie is gonna make Terminator look like The Sound of fucking Music!”
Other cast members confirmed are Colin Farrell as Leo Varadker, Brendan O’Carroll as Mrs. Halawa and Verne Troyer (Mini Me from the Austin Powers movies) as President Higgins.
Rumour has it that Ibrahim Halawa’s father – Ireland’s top Muslim preacher who recently said in an interview that Allah will punish all gays in the next life – has asked for the Leo Varadker character to be a straight man with a wife and eight children.