Loads more bands you’ve never heard of added to this year’s Electric Picnic line-up

The Ashtrays, Curtain Alley and The Bicycle Brothers are just some of the bands you’ve never heard of that have been added to this year’s Electric Picnic line-up. Organisers also managed to book The Fridge Magnets, as well as US funksters Brown Sauce Sandwich.

Indie rockers Ankle will headline on the Friday night, right after a much anticipated set from Henry Jockins, widely recognised as this generation’s Bob Dylan.

As you’ve no doubt all heard by now, The Fridge Magnets headline on the Saturday, and the one and only John Smith will close the festival on Sunday with his usual mix of jazz fusion and bluegrass country punk.

Every year, the people behind Electric Picnic put the tickets up for sale way before announcing what acts will perform and every year it sells out in minutes.

Most people of course aren’t too bothered what artists appear, as long as they get to spend the weekend getting off their tits in a field in County Laois.

The provisional line-up for EP23 is:

The Nutsacks
Tullamore Jews
Curtain Alley
Turf Shed
Joxer Daly’s Celtic Songbook Band
Suzy Sherlock

Mary Laundrette
Cold Soup
Ringo Molloy
The Bicycle Brothers
MC Doodle Whip
Brown Sauce Sandwich
The Fridge Magnets

Cormac Bottleneck
Bellybutton Fluff
Up The Ra!
Tom Kingston
Starina Starlina
The Ashtrays
The Dog Sniffers
John Smith