Britain’s Got Talent But Clearly Not In The Plastic Surgery Department As Cowell Threatens To Sue
Britain’s Got Talent judge Simon Cowell has threatened to sue his plastic surgeon after he emerged yesterday looking like a waxwork model of himself that was left too near an open fire and has melted into something that doesn’t really look like Simon Cowell anymore.
The music mogul shared a video on social media yesterday calling on talented Brits to apply for the new series of the hit show. However, the video was soon taken down after fans left a barrage of non-flattering comments about the star’s new look.
One person joked “Simon Cowell looks like he re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere face first” while another tweeted “Simon Cowell’s Madame Tussauds waxwork has come to life and is wondering the streets of London.”
This is the second time in recent years Cowell has reappeared in public looking hilarious after months away from the spotlight while recovering from plastic surgery. The last time he looked like someone had drawn a face on a potato.
On the plus side, Simon Cowell’s face will now serve as a deterrent to anyone mad enough to be considering plastic surgery.
It just goes to show, you can have all the money in the world but once you start messing around with plastic surgery you’re in big trouble. Don’t do it folks. Don’t mess with your face. Grow old gracefully or you too could end up looking like you’ve been bobbing for apples in a deep fat fryer.
For a full list of hilarious things that Simon Cowell looks like just go to twitter now and search the words ‘Simon Cowell looks like’.