Supermarket Boss Explains Once And For All The Correct Way To Pronounce Lidl
Dieter Schwarz, managing director of supermarket giants Lidl has explained, once and for all, the correct way to pronounce Lidl. And he should know. The company was founded by his father Josef Schwarz in Germany in 1952. Dieter took over in 1997.
Depending on what country you’re from, many people pronounce the word Lidl differently. The correct pronunciation has become a source of great debate and argument and here in Ireland there’s even a radio commercial that jokes about it.
So what is the correct way to pronounce Lidl? We caught up with Mr Schwarz and asked him to clear it up for all our readers and everyone else so there can be no more debating the subject ever again.
“It’s Lidl.” he told us. “I’m aware people in certain countries call it Lidl but that’s not right and quite frankly it infuriates me. My father named it Lidl and that’s exactly how it should be said. Lidl. I sincerely hope that’s the end of the matter.”
It certainly is. Next week, is it scone or scone? We talk to the man who invented it, Simon Scone. You’re not going to believe the answer.