Outrage After Gardaí Shoot Young Black Man Who Was Simply Trying To Stab Them
A young black was shot dead by armed Gardaí in West Dublin yesterday while trying to stab them. 27 year-old George Nkencho had just attempted to rob his local newsagents at knifepoint, where he stabbed a member of staff in the face, and was walking home minding his own business when he was confronted by the racist cops.
Nkencho can be seen in video footage of the incident attempting to slash Gardaí with a knife before being shot. They had first tried to disarm him with the use of a taser and pepper spray without success. Ireland’s Black Lives Matter spokesman Samuel Nelson said the incident was clearly the racist killing of an innocent black man and called for An Garda Síochána to be disbanded immediately.
“An innocent young black man was gunned down in cold blood by the Irish Police because of the colour of his skin and for no other reason. People who are asking what led to the incident are all racist. We call for the 12 Police officers who were involved to face the death penalty. Also the Irish Police Force must be discontinued immediately. We have spoken.”
Some people took to social media to express their outrage. Kimmy Blake from London posted “A black kid has just been machine gunned by 15 racist cops in Ireland. Take to the streets people. Smash the place up!”
Lewis Smith from Dublin wrote “Who brings a gun to a knife fight? A racist cop that’s who. Unfair fight man. Why didn’t the cop just stab him back?”
Suzi Si from Dublin said “I heard they broke into the house and kicked down his bedroom door and shot him while he was sleeping so don’t ever try to tell me Irish cops ain’t racist.”
Several men have been shot dead by Gardaí in recent years in controversial circumstances including John Carthy in Longford and Mark Hennessy in Dublin. However, none of them were black so nobody really gives a shit.