‘You Call This Hot? This Isn’t Hot!’ Claims Annoying American Arsehole
An annoying American arsehole has said that people who think the current weather in Ireland is hot don’t know what they’re talking about. Brad Johnson from Florida said Irish people have no idea what proper summer weather is like and as far as he’s concerned it’s actually quite nippy.
“Oh my God you guys make me laugh, walking around in shorts and talking about heatwaves. You really have no idea. Where I come from this wouldn’t even be considered warm. There’s actually quite a strong breeze in Dublin today. I’m wearing my leather jacket and scarf just in case I catch pneumonia and die.”
Met Éireann has issued a Status Yellow warning for high temperatures nationwide with hot conditions by day, staying very warm and humid at night. Brad the annoying American arsehole said that’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard in his life.
“Oh my God when I heard that I laughed so much I nearly puked. Trust me, this is not hot. You guys have no idea. Back home in Florida the rivers and lakes are visibly boiling right now. Everyone who goes for a swim dies instantly. You guys have no idea. When we get weather like this back home they issue a cold and windy warning.”
We asked Brad why he’s such an annoying American arsehole. He told us “Oh my God it’s asshole, not arsehole. You guys have no idea.”