UN Troops “will not hesitate” to tut and shake their heads if situation continues

The United Nations Security Council has warned that UN Troops on the ground in Lebanon will not hesitate to tut and shake their heads disapprovingly if the situation there continues.

The US had been against the proposal, saying they would be more in favour of wagging their fingers accusingly but they finally agreed to support the resolution earlier today.

The last time the UN launched a major tutting and head-shaking was in 1995 after Serbian soldiers murdered more than 8,000 men and boys in the town of Srebrenica while UN peacekeeping troops stood back and let them get on with it.

That incident and many since have led people around the world to accuse the UN of being nothing more that a pointless debating group. Secretary general of the United Nations António Guterres said that is simply not true.

“That is simply not true.” he said.

Mr Guterres then promised to organise a UN debate to debate whether or not the UN is a pointless debating group.